League of Innovative Schools New Member Application FAQs – Digital Promise

League of Innovative Schools New Member Application FAQs

If you have additional questions, please contact us at league@digitalpromise.org. In order to ensure that the application process is as transparent and fair as possible, Digital Promise will only accept questions through league@digitalpromise.org during the application process and will post the question anonymously, and our response, to the FAQ section on the application website.

Apply to join the League of Innovative Schools.

Am I qualified to apply?

Any public school district superintendent in the United States* is qualified to apply on behalf of their district.

Please note that at this time we are only accepting new member applications from public school districts, but we are always working to actively engage other types of education agencies in the League’s work, so we’d love to stay in touch. You can stay updated on Digital Promise and the League by signing up to receive our monthly action reports.

*Note: U.S. Department of Defense Education Authority districts are eligible to apply.

What if I cannot attend the next League meeting due to prior commitments?

Attending your first League meeting is critical to the on-boarding process for new members. If you are unable to attend the next meeting (the fall 2018 League meeting is October 10-12, please defer your application until the following year.

What if I cannot afford the fees associated with the League?

Digital Promise believes that all districts should have the opportunity to apply to the League – no matter their financial situation. If your district is selected as a finalist, please notify us during the interview process of your financial situation. The League Advisory Committee will assess the situation on a case-by-case basis.

Can I reapply to the League if I’ve already applied before?

Yes, districts that have applied to the League in previous application rounds may re-apply.

Is the superintendent or the district a member of the League?

Both. The superintendent applies to join the League on behalf of the district and attends biannual League meetings on behalf of the district. Superintendents are invited to bring an additional district leader to the League meetings and other district leaders are invited to participate in League working groups.

Because League membership is a combination of the superintendent and district, please review the following two questions to learn about policies that govern situations of superintendent turnover.

What if I am a new superintendent and my district was formerly in the League, but the superintendent left the district?

If a current League superintendent retires, or otherwise vacates his/her position, the new superintendent can reapply for membership in the next application round. In the interim period, the district remains a member of the League and is invited to participate in League opportunities and activities, but will not be represented at the biannual League meetings.

What if I was formerly in the League as a superintendent of another district, but I am the superintendent of a new district?

If a current League superintendent accepts a job at a district that is not a member of the League, that superintendent can reapply for membership with his or her new district as part of the next application round.

My district has applied before but has not been successful based on our proximity to other districts selected to be members of the League and our relatively low financial need in comparison with other applicants. Is there an economically disadvantaged threshold that is used to guide selection decisions?

While there is not a formal threshold, districts that have diversity both within the district and relative to other districts already in the League have strong potential impact as a League member. Factors such as proximity to other districts in the League and economic status of the district are taken into account in the selection criteria. That said, re-applying and showing progress on technology and innovation initiatives since the previous application demonstrates a strong commitment to the League and is also taken into consideration.

My state does not rank districts in high school graduation or comparatively to other districts. I do know the percentage that graduated as a state compared to the students that graduated as a district, and my state’s rank overall. Should I provide this information?

We understand certain state policies may affect availability of statistical or ranking information. Please provide any related information, and the context for its lack of availability.

On the application, you are requesting the name and contact information for the Superintendent’s assistant. Are you asking for a clerical assistant here, or the contact information of a leader who would attend the meeting with the Superintendent?

For this particular component, we are asking for a clerical assistant or point of contact who would be of help in scheduling and logistics.

As my superintendent is in full support of me completing this application, can I submit the application based upon my position as a Technology Director? If not, how can I become involved? Does the application need to be submitted by the superintendent and then if accepted I can represent the district?

The membership to the League belongs to the superintendent and therefore the superintendent needs to apply. You may help him/her in filling out the application, but the superintendent applies to join the League on behalf of the district and attends biannual League meetings on behalf of the district. Superintendents are invited to bring an additional district leader to the League meetings and other district leaders are invited to participate in League working groups. However, there is the expectation that the superintendent attends every League meeting.

Apply to join the League of Innovative Schools.

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