Data for Equity Protocol


Use this protocol to identify equity gaps in your district’s system, reflect on the conditions that create and perpetuate them, and move forward with concrete steps for understanding and interrupting inequities. 

Photo by Allison Shelley for EDUimages

Setting the Foundation

Purpose: To identify equity gaps in our system, reflect on the conditions that create and perpetuate them, and move forward with concrete steps for understanding and interrupting inequities. You can use this protocol with multiple small groups, each unpacking a different piece of data and then sharing out with the group. Or you can use this protocol to have everyone unpack the same piece of data (in this case, modify Stage 3).

Image of text and thought bubbles with question marks on top

Questions to ask before engaging in this protocol:

  • What data do we need to look at? Who decides?
  • How can we display the data to illuminate and understand disproportionate experiences and/or outcomes?  
  • How do we display data from an asset-based approach?
  • What is the purpose of looking at this data? (To identify gaps, to check progress, to identify bright spots, etc.)
  • What are the data’s blind spots? What/whose perspectives are missing? Whose voices need to be centered?
  • Who needs to be in the room to ensure multiple perspectives are considered, and movement is made?


  • Facilitator guides the group through the process and ensures that the protocol and norms are upheld.
  • Notetaker captures notes from the discussion and is prepared to share out for the group.  

Norms: Conversations about data and equity issues can make people feel vulnerable. This is not a bad thing. A structured protocol helps maintain focus and constructive dialogue.

  • Share the air… step up, step back, invite others in 
  • Lean into discomfort… we can’t improve what we do not face
  • Embrace “we,” not “they”… to unpack how our systems/processes can perpetuate and interrupt inequity 
  • Own your intent and impact… resist defensiveness/blaming/avoidance, and seek to understand
  • Stick to the Protocol… it helps people be in their brave space and move forward
Blue circle with books and text saying "suggested resource"

Locate the facilitator guide in your resources folder labeled “Data for Equity Protocol 2.0”. Become familiar with this protocol and practice using it with internal district stakeholders.