Data Ready Playbook Pitch Deck Template


This template demonstrates how to present a business case to your leadership. The business case will depend on the use case addressed by your district’s project, so make sure to tailor the content and structure to be appropriate for your district’s context. Generally, a business case should consist of the following:

  • Level-set on the current state of your district’s data systems and usage with regard to the processes relevant for your district’s use case (e.g., How does your district handle this issue or process today?).
  • Articulate a motivation for changing from the current state.
  • Paint a picture of your district’s proposed solution.
  • Define an approach to implement the proposed solution.
  • Measure the impact and return on investment expected.
Purple circle with gold star and text saying "Micro-credential activity"

Use the pitch deck template labeled “Data Ready Playbook Pitch Deck 2.0” in your resources folder to present the business case of your district’s use case solution to leadership.