Implementation Team Skills Matrix Template


An important part of selecting an implementation team is determining whether your district can internally support the project or requires the support of an external team.

While many roles and skill sets are needed for the overall project, the phases below outline the more technical skills needed.

Red circle with gold cog and text saying "IT lead activity"


This activity requires the participation of your district’s IT Lead. 


  • The Source ID Analysis phase of work is the early implementation phase of an interoperability project. The work in this phase is critical to setting the project up for success. The key goals are to come away with a complete inventory of data sources and gaps in your district’s data that must be addressed to achieve target data use cases. Skill sets needed for this include data and business analysis experience in addition to familiarity with data standards. 
  • The Data Integration phase of the interoperability project is the critical part of the project where disparate data sources begin to come together. It is in this phase that those sources will be mapped to a unifying standard, transformed, and loaded into a shared data store.
  • The Data Management phase of work is characterized by the provisioning and management of the data store(s) to be used for housing unified data as well as the configuration of APIs to control data load and access. Additionally, the data management phase sees interoperability projects building out use-case-specific data marts for reporting. Experience with database structures and schemas are a critical skill set for this phase.
  • The Data Visualization phase involves the data that has been unified and optimized for reporting being presented to end users to satisfy use cases. There are many variations of reporting tools and methods that can be employed here, so the recommendation is simply that a resource be available that has experience in creating visualizations with any reporting tools.

Reflection of Phases:

Basic: Has some introductory understanding and has performed these skills in an entry-level capacity.

Intermediate: Has experience performing these duties and has been an individual contributor on projects using these skills.

Expert: Is highly skilled in this area and is capable of leading work and training others in this skill area.  

Purple circle with gold star and text saying "Micro-credential activity"
Red circle with gold cog and text saying "IT lead activity"

Once you have read through the phases, work with the technology lead on the Considering and Implementation Team Template found in your resource file. Together, examine the skills and honestly reflect on your district’s internal resources to determine if your team is comfortable with the in-house skills to meet the requirements.