Learn about the impact of interoperable solutions, and understand how to get rolling with interoperability with this infographic.
Join the League of Innovative Schools in the movement to advance data interoperability in public education.
Unifying K-12 data and data interoperability does not happen overnight. It takes time to implement the six factors, and some schools may need to focus on only one or two factors at a time. Teachers need access to data in order to guide students on their individual learning journeys. The seamless, secure, and controlled exchange of data between applications can give teachers what they need to improve learning opportunities for all students.
Ignite Questions:
Jot down some answers to the following questions individually or with a group of stakeholders.
Review this helpful resource from the Data Quality Campaign (DQC) on making data work for students. The DQC highlights four tenets on how to achieve a culture of data transparency and access.
If student data is new to you, review this helpful infographic from the Data Quality Campaign that highlights the many different types of student data collected and how, when unified, it can paint a better picture of each whole learner.
To advance data interoperability in your district:
How do districts support data interoperability initiatives?
Local Education Agencies (LEA) can implement systems to collect, manage, and analyze data states and districts may use Title II, Part A funds to support programs that implement systems and supports for educators to learn and to effectively use data to improve instruction and decision-making for school improvement efforts that also protect student privacy. Elementary and Secondary Education Act secs. 2101(c)(4)(B)(xx); 2103(b)(3)(E)(ii) and (b)(3)(H). Similarly, districts may use Title I, Part A funds to help educators in Title I schools or Title VI, Part B to manage and analyze student data to improve instruction and decision-making for school improvement efforts. ESEA secs. 1114(b)(7)(A)(iii)(IV); 1115(b)(2)(d). Your district should also see if any state of federal grants are available for data systems. Finally, your local education foundation may want to partner with your district on such an endeavor.