Introduction and Module Material


In Module 2 you created your Data Governance Committee and learned more about your Local Education Agency’s (LEA) data landscape and flow. In Module 3, you will focus on the Awareness stage of the Needs Assessment domain. The Needs Assessment domain supports districts with identifying growth points with their data systems and selecting a well-scoped use case. In this module, your district will develop awareness of the challenges that are caused or exacerbated by inadequate data systems through a set of sequenced activities. 

  • First, your district will organize, prepare, and implement a series of focus groups with a representative set of stakeholders. 
  • These focus groups will support your district with understanding how data is used across stakeholders and where there are pain points to explore.
  • Your districts will also be responsible for continuing discussions about data through cross-departmental feedback loops after these initial stakeholder focus groups. Communication channels will be important to establish because your district will continue to leverage stakeholders as you narrow your use case.

Throughout this course, you will see four types of activities. Depending on your district’s data readiness, you may want to review and complete all suggested activities and those essential for fulfilling the micro-credential requirements. Some activities will require assistance from your technology lead, and some activities can be projected during stakeholder meetings. Look for the following icons to signal “technology lead” or “group activity.”

Micro-credential activities are essential for preparing a Data Ready Project Plan and Pitch deck. These activities can be submitted as evidence for completing a micro-credential.

IT Lead Activities require the participation of your district or organization’s IT Lead.

Group activities that are to be completed by members of your cross-departmental teams.

Suggested resources to develop your understanding of data equity and interoperability.

A folder with resources is available to download at the beginning of each module via a link in each module’s Introduction and Module Material section. Depending on your district’s data readiness, you should review and complete all essential and suggested activities.

Throughout the module, you will be prompted with IGNITE questions meant for you to pause and reflect on current practices and/or policies within your district or organization. There are also knowledge checks for your understanding of key concepts and takeaways.

Download the resource file by clicking on the button to the right. You will find resources such as presentations, spreadsheets, and templates for implementing the activities described in this module. 

Thinking Ahead