Teachers Offer Perspectives on Preparing for Digital Learning – Digital Promise

Teachers Offer Perspectives on Preparing for Digital Learning

October 21, 2014 | By

At Digital Promise, we believe a school that is “Ready to Commit” not only has a vision of student-directed learning, but is eager to commit to this vision by taking risks, learning new skills, and reflecting on that process.

Along with Verizon, we are partnering with eight U.S. middle schools to create innovative learning environments. That doesn’t mean just dropping devices into classrooms. We’ve worked with partner schools on developing and committing to their vision and what it takes to be ready for that vision.

When talking to teachers at Vista Unified, a partner district north of San Diego that enrolls a high number of low-income and English language learners, you can see that understanding.

Here are the teachers discussing their commitment to professional growth.

Getting Ready with Vista: Taking a Risk That Matters from Digital Promise on Vimeo.

Additionally, we believe a school that is “Ready to Commit” is eager to provide students with authentic learning opportunities that build student aspirations and skills like inquiry and problem-solving.

In this video, the Vista faculty discuss how adding digital tools is a natural step towards reaching this vision and giving all students the equal opportunity to learn.

Getting Ready with Vista: Unlimited Opportunities from Digital Promise on Vimeo.

We recently saw Vista demonstrate these concepts up close when we celebrated faculty and students’ readiness for digital learning by issuing tablets to two Vista schools. Sign up for email updates to stay tuned!

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