Data Snapshot: Students asking Students! – Digital Promise

Data Snapshot: Students asking Students!

April 7, 2015 | By

In the past couple of Fast Facts surveys, we’ve included some questions that were submitted by your students. Many students wrote that they wanted know what what other kids think of the tablets: Do they like them? Does technology make learning easier? better? more interesting? Students also wanted to know about other kids experiences at school: Do they like school? Do they participate in school? Do they feel like they belong at school?

We asked students the following questions to better understand their thoughts about school and the tablets:

  • Do the tablets make learning more interesting?
  • How often do you participate in your classes?

Nearly 74% of students reported that the tablets make learning better or much better. Approximately 10% of students answered ‘no’ or ‘no opinion’ when asked whether the tablets make learning more interesting.

Great than 72% of students reported participating in their classes daily, and 86% of students reported participating at least on a weekly basis. Approximately 10% of students report that they rarely participate in class.

Finally, we asked the students how often they set their own learning goals about what they want to learn at school. Approximately 31% of students reported that they rarely set their own learning goals. The remaining students were pretty evenly split, with 22%, 25%, and 22% reporting that they set their own learning goals monthly, weekly, and daily, respectively.

Check out the results for each school below. What do you think? 

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