UDL for Adult Learners: Guidelines and Strategies – Digital Promise

UDL for Adult Learners: Guidelines and Strategies

March 30, 2017 | By

“The best thing about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is that it keeps the rigor of content and standards, but allows for flexibility in the way learners come to their own understanding of the material,” says Jason Marshall of YouthBuild USA. In this webinar, Jason and one of the YouthBuild USA Teaching Fellows, Jo Forman, talk about why UDL is important when working with adult learners, and they outline several UDL guidelines and give strategies for using UDL in the classroom.

To learn more about UDL for adult learners, read our blog Tight on Goals, Flexible on Means. For more information about UDL concepts, guidelines and strategies visit www.cast.org.

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