Rolling Out Across VILs – Digital Promise

Rolling Out Across VILs

September 27, 2018 | By

Rollout season is an exciting time across the Verizon Innovative Learning schools network. For schools in their first year of the VILs program, the tablet rollout event is a major milestone and the culmination of months of hard work. A successful rollout requires detailed coordination across the district, IT teams, and school leadership. Cohort 5 schools have been preparing for rollout since last spring, when teachers received their devices and began participating in professional learning and planning for the school year. The rollout also includes a schoolwide event where every student receives an Internet-connected device that provides always available access in the classroom and at home.

Gompers Middle School in Los Angeles recently held its device rollout, and students were thrilled to take home their iPads. Check out this video for an exciting peek at the day:

Rollout marks the beginning of new learning opportunities that are not possible without technology. For Cohort 4 schools in year two of the program, this fall’s rollout is the midpoint of their journey in VILs. These schools will build upon the learning transformation that began in year one and work with teachers to support powerful learning in the classroom.

As the new year unfolds, we continue to be inspired by all of our amazing VILs teachers and students. Thank you for what you do everyday to create a learning environment that encourages students to be their best. You are a model for what’s possible, and we can’t wait to see what this year holds.

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