New MY World 360° Playlist and Open Invitation – Digital Promise

New MY World 360° Playlist and Open Invitation

Collage of images from the eight MY World 360º April 2020 playlist videos

April 29, 2020 | By

Since launching in March 2018, MY World 360° has screened 19 immersive stories at UN events around the world. Today, we are proud to add eight new projects to this growing playlist of media to inspire positive action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

From a story of homelessness in Argentina, to an interactive experience of polar warming, to a profile of an arts organization in India, the new MY World 360° playlist reflects priorities and perspectives of creators from around the world.

Explore the new MY World 360° playlist below and then share your own media for the next round of MY World 360°. Creators may use whatever tools are available in their location to create immersive media, from mixed media combining pen and paper with audio recording on a cell phone, to new and emerging formats like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and 3D design. Find more information on how to create and submit media on the MY World 360° Program Guide.

Aravani Art Project – Empowering Women and Trans-Women through Art

Aravani Art Project – Empowering Women and Trans-Women through Art

Aravani Art Project – Empowering Women and Trans-Women through Art: MY World 360º April 2020 Playlist selection.An artist collective in India that works to create consciousness and well being through art., created by Poornima Sukumar and Purushi, Aravani Art Project, in partnership with UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), Delhi, India. Educator/Mentor: Sairam Sagiraju#act4SDGs, #MYWorld360. Sustainable Development Goals addressed: Goal 5: Gender Equality – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities – Reduce inequality within and among countries, Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions – Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Posted by Oculus 360 Challenge on Thursday, April 23, 2020

[View Aravani Art Project – Empowering Women and Trans-Women through Art above on Facebook, or on Vimeo]
An artist collective in India that works to create consciousness and well-being through art.
Producers: Poornima Sukumar, Purushi
Educator/Mentor: Sairam Sagiraju
Site/Location: Aravani Art Project, Bangalore, in partnership with UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), Delhi, India
Related SDGs: Goals 5, 8, 10, 16

Two people standing next to a camera on a tripod and a group of people sitting in a circle in the background.

Aravani Art Project – Empowering Women and Trans-Women through Art production team on location. Photo Credit: Aravani Art Project.

“The Aravani Art Project is an artist collective that aims to revolutionize the idea of gender equality through street art. Through storytelling, the collective aims to break stereotypes and inspire social change. Aravani Art Project’s VR experience was selected by the UNESCO MGIEP as part of their #kindnessmatters for the SDGs campaign and aims to put viewers in the shoes of trans-women who overcome social stigma and come together to express themselves through street wall art.” – Sairam Sagiraju, VR Specialist for Aravani Art Project – Empowering Women and Trans-Women through Art

Lack of View

Lack of View

Lack of View: MY World 360º April 2020 Playlist selection.A video about how people only see what they want to see, despite a lack of adequate housing worldwide, created by Sol M., Gianfranco R., Gianluca B., Marcos T., Carlos R., Ivan L., and Guido Q. Educator/Mentor: Brian Berengard#act4SDGs, #MYWorld360. Sustainable Development Goals addressed: Goal 1: No Poverty – End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities – Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Posted by Oculus 360 Challenge on Thursday, April 23, 2020

[View Lack of View above on Facebook, or on Vimeo]
A video about how sometimes people only see what they want to see, despite a lack of adequate housing worldwide.
Site/Location: Puerta 18, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Producers: Sol M., Gianfranco R., Gianluca B., Marcos T., Carlos R., Ivan L., Guido Q.
Educator/Mentor: Brian Berengard
Related SDGs: Goals 1, 3, 10

Three students and an educator standing on the street around a 360º camera.

Lack of View production team on location. Photo Credit: Puerta 18.

“Fifty percent of Argentina’s population may lack adequate housing. In this video we wanted to show how society just sees what it wants to see and looks away from homelessness. We used a split screen in 360° to create a new sense of meaning by combining two videos at the same time. We believe that inequality can be reduced and poverty ended if people decide to act.” – Producers of Lack of View

“Moma’e jarã kõ jikuwaê’ã kõ” (“The Owners We Can’t See”)

[View “Moma’e jarã kõ jikuwaê’ã kõ” (“The Owners We Can’t See”) above on Facebook, or on Vimeo]
A video about the Wajãpi culture’s respect for nature.
Site/Location: Pedra Branca do Amapari (in partnership with Recode), Amapá, Brazil
Producers: Kauri Waiãpi, Motã Waiãpi, Kuripiri Waiãpi, Aikyry Waiãpi, Evilázio Ribas, Rafael Romão
Related SDGs: Goals 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Four people standing in the forest around a 360º camera on a tripod.

Moma’e jarã kõ jikuwaê’ã kõ (The Owners We Can’t See) production team on location in the Amapá forests. Photo Credit: Rafael Romão

“We’re the Wajãpi, a native people who live in the forests of Amapá, north of Brazil, northeast of Amazon. This video is about our cosmovision. We have respect for nature as a complete life being. We can’t offend every life beings’ owner, their true owner, which in your language is known by god. If we offend a river’s owner, or a specific fish species’ owner, they’ll get their revenge. We can’t treat nature as resources, because this leads to over-exploitation. There is no sustainable development without respect of the owners.” – Producers of “Moma’e jarã kõ jikuwaê’ã kõ” (“The Owners We Can’t See”)


[View 9pm above on Facebook, or on Vimeo]
A story about the issue of loneliness in Korea.
Site/Location: Seoul, Korea
Producer: Komeil Soheili
Related SDGs: Goals 3, 11

“More than 20 percent of the South Korean population lives alone. In Seoul, every other day there is a person who dies at home alone and undetected. These statistics blew my mind the first time I read about it and I wanted to react to it somehow. When COVID-19 happened and the streets and playgrounds became empty, I decided to shoot these environments to say something about this issue. These days, so many people around the world are coming up with creative ideas. I look forward to seeing how many new novels, books, and ideas emerge and hope we can all pass through this time together in a good way.” – Komeil Soheili, Producer of 9pm

Mexico 360°: In the Eyes of the Youth

Mexico 360º: In the Eyes of the Youth

MEXICO 360º: IN THE EYES OF THE YOUTH: MY World 360º April 2020 Playlist selection.A compilation of stories from friends, family and neighbors taking action for the SDGs. , created by Brenda Jasso, Juan Fernando Flores, Pablo Guillén, and Carlos Pastrana at Instituto Hebo, Mexico City, Mexico.Intro (00:00-00:48), Goals 5 & 9: Female soldier/engineer’s story (00:49-3:49), Goal 10: Male professor with disabilities (3:50-6:56), Goal 16: Female art therapist and teacher (7:20-10:22), Goals 16, 19 & 4: Youth living in poverty and wrongly jailed, criminal justice system (10:55-13:57), Goal 5: Gender equality (14:19-17:24)#act4SDGs, #MYWorld360. Sustainable Development Goals addressed: Goal 4: Quality Education – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; Goal 5: Gender Equality – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation; Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities – Reduce inequality within and among countries; Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions – Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Posted by Oculus 360 Challenge on Thursday, April 23, 2020

[View Mexico 360°: In the Eyes of the Youth above on Facebook, or on Vimeo]
A compilation of stories from friends, family, and neighbors taking action for the SDGs.
Site/Location: Instituto Hebo, Mexico City, Mexico
Producers: Brenda Jasso, Juan Fernando Flores, Pablo Guillén, Carlos Pastrana
Related SDGs: Goals 4, 5, 9, 10, 16

Woman drawing at a desk covered with artwork.

On location for Mexico 360°: In the Eyes of the Youth. Photo Credit: Mexico 360°: In the Eyes of the Youth Production Team.

“This is the story of friends who went to the streets to capture the way in which global goals are interwoven in our lives. The best way we found is to show you what our family, neighbors and teachers are doing every day to do their bit and add to change. A simple gesture or change of yours will change your world.” – Producers of Mexico 360°: In the Eyes of the Youth

Women Street Harassment VR

Women Street Harassment VR

Women Street Harassment VR: MY World 360º April 2020 Playlist selection.A video addressing social causes of street harassment of women as an international problem, created by Nestor Bonilla Somarriba, Digital Bonds, Panama City, Panama #act4SDGs, #MYWorld360. Sustainable Development Goals addressed: Goal 5: Gender Equality – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Posted by Oculus 360 Challenge on Thursday, April 23, 2020

[View Women Street Harassment VR above on Facebook, or on Vimeo]
A video addressing social causes of street harassment of women as an international problem.
Site/Location: Digital Bonds, Panama City, Panama
Producer: Nestor Bonilla Somarriba
Related SDGs: Goal 5

“Our aim with this project is to establish a culture of respect in public places and to provide street stalkers with an experience of the unpleasant and traumatic experience that many women experience in the streets.“ – Nestor Bonilla Somarriba, Producer of Women Street Harassment VR

Troost Divide

Troost Divide

Troost Divide: MY World 360º April 2020 Playlist selection.We drove a mile, across Troost Avenue in Kansas City to demonstrate the income inequality and the difference a mile can make, created by Ian Gram, Cade Lawrence, Tevan H., Blue Valley Center for Advanced Professional Studies, Overland Park, Kansas, USA#act4SDGs, #MYWorld360. Sustainable Development Goals addressed: Goal 1: No Poverty – End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities – Reduce inequality within and among countries

Posted by Oculus 360 Challenge on Thursday, April 23, 2020

[View Troost Divide above on Facebook, or on Vimeo]
Producers drove a mile, across Troost Avenue in Kansas City, to demonstrate the income inequality and the difference a mile can make.
Site/Location: Blue Valley Center for Advanced Professional Studies, Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Producers: Ian Gram, Cade Lawrence, Tevan H.
Related SDGs: Goal 1, 9, 10

“All around the world, where you’re born determines your opportunity, and this is extremely prevalent in Kansas City with Troost Divide. There is both racial and income inequality once you cross Troost, creating a vast difference in opportunity. In this video, we want to spread a message that we have to continue to work to decrease this divide.” – Producers of Troost Divide

Polar Warning

[View the Polar Warning trailer above on Facebook, or on Vimeo]
An immersive VR experience to feel the impact of global warming. Download the game developed for the Oculus Rift.
Site/Location: XR Lab, CED, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA
Producers: Tanya Makker, Constantina Tsiara, Lydia Kontozoglou
Educator/Mentor: Luisa Caldas
Related SDGs: Goal 13

Two drawings beside each other showing hands interacting with shapes.

Shots from the Polar Warning storyboard. Photo Credit: Polar Warning production team.

“The impact of global warming will hit us all in the decades to come. Unfortunately, this
calamity will sneak up on us as we live distracted by the day-to-day tasks of our everyday lives. Through virtual reality, we sought to hit two goals. First, take users out of their homes, schools, [and] offices and onto the glaciers being visibly, tangibly impacted. Second, we speed up the rate of degradation for anything our users interact with. The message should, hopefully, be clear—our actions, including our striking inaction, is rapidly accelerating our march towards a global catastrophe. We should take action against global warming before it is too late.“ – Producers of Polar Warning

MY World 360°, a partnership between the United Nations SDG Action Campaign, Digital Promise, and Oculus, supports emerging creators worldwide to develop their digital skills, share their perspectives, and advance positive action toward the Sustainable Development Goals.

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