“This Challenge brought out the best in my students. I got to know what kinds of skills my students had, and it created the kind of environment where there were things we could learn together and things I could learn from them.” – Theode Niyirinda, Educator, Gayaza High School, Kampala, Uganda
Join our educator roundtable discussion on Wednesday, Sept. 28 to hear from the teachers about how they help students use Challenge Based Learning to explore big ideas, ask thoughtful questions, investigate challenges, and act to create solutions to issues that matter to them. Educators from Brazil, Nigeria, Uganda, and the United States will share stories about how the Ciena Solutions Challenge enabled them to engage students, supported their teaching practice, and helped students make an impact in their communities.
Event: Ciena Solutions Challenge Educator Roundtable
Time: Thursday, September 28, 2022 at 8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET
Register now
Educators can now submit student projects to feature in the Ciena Solutions Challenge Gallery, a showcase of media products created by students around the world. Projects might include podcasts, digital games, apps, data visualizations, interactive maps, or other creations leveraging digital tools and technologies to address the challenges they have identified.
Eligible educators may also apply for a Ciena Solutions Challenge Sustainability Award ($2,500 USD) to sustain or scale their Challenge projects. Applications for a Ciena Solutions Challenge Sustainability Award must be submitted by March 1, 2023, and awardees will be announced in April 2023. All awards will be granted to the educators’ educational institutions.
Between now and the March 1, 2023 project submission deadline, Digital Promise and Ciena will offer professional learning and mentoring opportunities to support educators and students throughout their Ciena Solutions Challenge activities. In addition, check out more educator stories in a new Educator Stories blog series featuring examples, inspiration, and classroom resources from educators around the world.
Ciena Solutions Challenge Timeline: