Job Shadow – Digital Promise

Job Shadow

Connect students with experiences to observe real workplace environments.

Job shadows give students the opportunity to observe the day-to-day work and responsibilities of a specific job. Job shadows allow students to experience meetings, tasks, professional conversations and work environments. 

People working together on a project

A tablet with a map marker on the screen
How does this fit with my class?

Two women working at a laptop.

Students build professional relationships that could lead to internships and mentors.


  • Learn about a specific career path, industry or skill
  • Engage with professionals in a work setting
  • Develop professional communication skills
Activity Location
  • A school building In school
  • Students looking at a presentation on a screen Virtual
  • A bus Out of school
Prep Time
  • A clock showing 15 minutes Low
  • A clock showing 30 minutes Medium
  • A clock showing an hour High
  • A lesson book Lesson
  • A calendar with a gold star on it Event
  • A gear being orbited by three dots Program

Full Battery
What will my students gain?

From the Partnership for 21st Century Learning:

Communication & Collaboration

  • Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts
  • Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions
  • Use communication for a range of purposes (e.g. to inform, instruct, motivate and persuade)
  • Communicate effectively in diverse environments

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

  • Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems
  • Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes

Life & Career Skills

  • Present oneself professionally and with proper etiquette
  • Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual

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