Shaping Student Management Skills through Micro-credentials – Digital Promise

Shaping Student Management Skills through Micro-credentials

Teachers understand the value teamwork, communication, and collaboration holds in our increasingly complex and fast-paced world. To prepare their students for long-term success, teachers are constantly looking for ways to incorporate those behaviors into their students’ daily activities since they strengthen critical project management skills. Teachers like Karl Ruffat at Roosevelt High School in Seattle, Washington, who started a program where project management mentors are paired with students to help them learn these “life skills,” as he calls them.

Infusing project management skills in student learning experiences is happening across our nation in many different ways. For another example, in collaboration with Big Brothers Big Sisters, a mentoring program for children facing adversity, faculty and graduate education students at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland, provide workshops for local Baltimore city youth in project management skills.

The Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF) is committed to supporting teachers who want to maximize the potential project management skills can have on students’ futures.
Now, PMIEF has partnered with Digital Promise to add another layer of support for teachers. To help recognize project management teaching expertise and foster project management skills among students, PMIEF has developed a stack of six micro-credentials exploring competencies in:

  • Initiating a Learning Project
  • Planning a Learning Project
  • Executing a Learning Project
  • Monitoring and Controlling a Learning Project
  • Closing a Learning Project
  • Managing the Learning Project Cycle

These micro-credentials recognize teachers who are integrating project management into their lessons to support their students’ success in and outside the classroom. Teachers have the flexibility of applying for all of the micro-credentials or choosing only those that interest them or specifically align with their work with students.

Ready to get started in seeing how project management can transform your classroom? Begin your micro-credential journey today.

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