Maximizing the Momentum of Micro-credentials – Digital Promise

Maximizing the Momentum of Micro-credentials

November 20, 2017 | By

As the number of districts and states adopting micro-credentials into their professional learning strategy continues to grow, it is critical that stakeholders step back to take a pulse of the ecosystem. By doing so, districts, states, and educators are able to clarify and refine their strategies for realizing the promise of micro-credentials to drive student and educator growth.

Continuing the Educator Micro-credential Movement does just that.

This report, co-authored by Digital Promise and the Center for Teaching Quality, explores the current K-12 micro-credential landscape to uncover insights and opportunities to help grow the effectiveness of micro-credentials in supporting educator and student learning.

Continuing the Educator Micro-credential Movement pursues the opportunities afforded by recent breakthroughs throughout the ecosystem to propose “five dimensions of micro-credential policy.” Each dimension can serve as a pathway for addressing particular challenges to scaling micro-credential impact.

These dimensions are:

  1. Micro-credential Currency
  2. Supporting Professional Learning Structures
  3. Micro-credential Assessment Infrastructure
  4. Micro-credential Financial Modeling
  5. Mico-credential Technical Functionality

Each policy dimension is explored in depth with relevant questions to consider and available resources to support their potential development and implementation.

The value of shifting to a personalized, competency-based learning model for students and educators is increasingly clear. States and districts are seeing how this approach can lead to a deeper, more sustained, and more demonstrable learning journey for their students and educators. This report shows how micro-credentials can function as a crucial component of that journey.

To learn more, read the entire report below.

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