Benefits – Digital Promise


How Can the Studio Help Create Effective Solutions?

The Community Innovation Studio offers both short and long term opportunities, capacities, and outcomes for your district, school, or organization. When practitioners learn to lead and participate in this co-research and co-design process, the benefits are powerful and lasting.

The knowledge and skills to address immediate challenges with sustainable solutions

The insights and ability to conduct collaborative-research that builds understanding of specific challenges from the perspectives of those most impacted

The roadmap needed to co-create powerful, student-centered learning experiences

The tactics to design inclusive, impactful education solution

The strategies to engage community voices to drive meaningful change

The tools to solve complex and persistent challenges and problems through co-development of novel solutions

When those benefits come together, you’ll have gained the skills and experience to participate in and lead innovation projects, distinguished by the co-research, co-design, and co-leadership process. The Studio is your opportunity to create solutions that unlock student agency, well-being, and economic mobility.

Why Choose Collaborative Innovation?

School Districts

Build your district and school teams’ skills to collaboratively solve challenges, create opportunities and sustainable improvements, and develop new strategies and programs in collaboration with students, families, and community.

Nonprofits/Community-Based Organizations

Solve challenges and craft new strategies and programs in collaboration with educators, to benefit students, schools, and your organization’s mission.

Researchers and Research Institutions

Integrate co-research practices into your research approach to provide deeper, richer data and insights.

Product Developers

Integrate co-design practices into your development work to ensure your products and programs are informed by students, educators, and education systems.

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