Implementation Planning - Awareness – Digital Promise

Implementation Planning – Awareness

Plan to set aside at least 1 hour to review this module’s material. Note that your district’s technology lead will play an essential role in completing the activities in this module. When planning to work with your team on the activities, set aside at least one to two weeks per phase. 

  • Week 1: Module Review and team scheduling
  • Week 2 and 3: Implementation Team Matrix Activity (Technology Lead)
  • Week 4: Architecture Solution Mapping (Technology Lead)
  • Week 5: Schedule a Project Parameters meeting
  • Week 6 to 8: Complete Project Parameters Template
The Edtech Marketplace Today blog series invites voices from the field to highlight the ways in which the edtech marketplace struggles to meet the needs of learners, educators, or research-based product developers. Learn how these challenges impact school and district leaders, teachers, students, and product developers and try the authors’ suggested solutions in your own work to enhance your experience navigating the edtech market. By working together, Digital Promise and stakeholders from the field can collaboratively design solutions to improve the market, and ultimately improve learning.
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