During snack time, children will prepare their plate for a snack by following a sequenced set of direction cards with a numeral on one and food on the other. The set of cards provides children an instruction with a loop (e.g., “3 oranges” instead of “orange, orange, orange”). As children engage in this activity, they will also be able to practice counting and comparing quantities.
Explain and define algorithms.
Choose a snack for which children can serve themselves a set number of each item, such as orange slices and crackers. Place a bowl of these items on each table.
Show number cards and snack cards to indicate what items and how many of each that children should take for a snack. [NOTE: Example images are provided below. You may use these to create images/cards for children or make up your own ideas!]
Explain the activity:
Compare the different examples and emphasize how adding the numeral (loop) card shortens the directions.
As children are getting their snack, discuss how many pieces of each food they are putting on their plate, and call attention to the cards.