Practitioner-Informed Design Certified Products – Digital Promise

Practitioner-Informed Design Certified Products

Product Certifications Certified Products

Congratulations to the following products for earning the Practitioner-Informed Design product certification!

Digital Promise has verified that the following products have met the certification criteria and earned the Practitioner-Informed Design product certification. These products submitted applications that underwent a rigorous assessment process to certify that the product team centers educator expertise to iteratively improve product design.

To earn the Practitioner-Informed Design product certification, edtech product teams must submit artifacts, or evidence, to demonstrate that:

  1. The team leverages relationship-building and collaborative design-based engagements to learn about education communities’ strengths, needs, and priorities; learn how the tool is used in practice; and consider how to better support historically and systematically excluded learners and/or practitioners.
  2. Findings from the design-based engagements impact iterative product design and/or product roadmapping.
  3. Specific staff members on the product team, or outside experts working in partnership, are responsible for building iterative, multi-touchpoint relationships with educator practitioners with the explicit intention of learning more about user needs and building educator capacity to utilize the tool.
  4. The contributors are directly made aware of their influence on the changes.

The Practitioner-Informed Design product certification is not an endorsement of products or their efficacy. The certification intends to help educators narrow their options as they select products to pilot. To learn more about how product certifications can help districts select the right edtech, check out these free resources.

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