Planning – Digital Promise

Design Challenge

A compass
Planning Guide Select where you are in your real world learning journey.

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 1

Getting Started

Set your goals and understand your commitment.

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 2

Finding Partners

Who from the real world will interact with your students?

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 3


What do you need to be ready to launch?

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 4


Connect your students with real world learning experiences.

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 5

Following Up

How will you follow up with everyone after the experience?

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 6


Did you achieve your goals?

A signpost with three signs pointing different directions.
Getting Started

Understand goals and commitments

Write down your vision and identify student learning goals for this introduction to social entrepreneurship unit. Use the RWL Activity Planning Worksheet

Develop a unit plan with key objectives and resources you want to integrate (see Sample Design Challenge Sample Plan and Lesson Planning Resources)

If you plan to host a final demonstration of learning or competition contact your administration to schedule the event and be prepared to discuss details about your vision for the event, budget, location and potential judge(s) outside of class hours (see Student Competition for more details)


  • When selecting an event date consider holidays, student testing and other district calendar dates
  • Remember that this is an “introduction” you may not be able to cover all topics in-depth. Consider what topics and learning objectives are most important.

Supporting materials that can help

a document

RWL Activity Planning Worksheet

A blank worksheet designed to plan the activity

a pdf

Sample Design Challenge Unit Plan

Use and adapt great example for your unit plan

a document

Design Challenge Lesson Planning Resources

Use this list of case studies, lessons and presentations to create your unit

Two speech balloons
Finding Partners

Who from the real world will interact with your students?

Reach out to personal contacts, organizations and colleges to identify partners as potential speakers and Design Challenge Advisors to support student groups

Identify potentials partners, collect their contact information and create a spreadsheet with this information

Send invitations to potential partner guest speaker(s) (see Guest Speaker Invitation Email)

Send invitations to Design Challenge Advisors (see Design Challenge Advisor Invitation Email)

Confirm potential partner guest speaker(s) with any pertinent information and to schedule a prep call closer to the engagement (see Guest Speaker Confirmation Email)

Confirm Design Challenge Advisors with description of their role, details for engagement and training (see Design Challenge Advisor Confirmation Email)

Collect short bios for all partner(s)/volunteer(s)


  • Universities/colleges are great resources for content and even syllabi if you need additional resources and support
  • Advertise it within local chambers of commerce and professional associations that have companies as members
  • Reach out to families. This can be a great way to incorporate family engagement and increase the breadth of potential contacts
  • As you confirm speakers and advisors make sure to update your unit plan/scope and sequence

Supporting materials that can help

a document

Design Challenge Advisor Invitation Email

Use this template to customize invitations Social Entrepreneurship Advisors

a document

Guest Speaker Confirmation Email

Use this template to customize invitations to guest speaker(s)

a document

Guest Speaker Confirmation Email

Customize this template to confirm guest speaker(s)

a document

Design Challenge Advisor Confirmation Email

Customize this template to confirm Social Entrepreneurship Advisors

A suitcase

What do you need to be ready to launch?

Create a student-facing “syllabus” for this unit including confirmed guest speakers, advising classes and description of what they will do

Schedule calls with the speaker(s) to answer questions and review expectations

Create a Design Challenge training call agenda and schedule 2-4 one-hour calls for your advisors to join (see Training Agenda and Feedback Tips)

Share any background check/clearance information required by the school with partner(s), if applicable

Send school media waiver to the partner(s), so you can take photos and share your classroom experience

Arrange a location for advisement sessions with proper space and seating for students and partners to collaborate

Continue to refine your unit and lesson plans by identifying videos and online resources that may work for your students

Create a Design Challenge Proposal Template for students to complete (see Student Proposal/Presentation Template)

Share a rubric with students and advisors to set expectations (see Proposal/Presentation Rubric)

Create student Design Challenge groupings (3-4 students) to save time and share with students

Introduce the Design Challenge unit or module to students and explain that they will interact with real world professionals in class. Review some “dos and don’t” in communicating with adults.

The unit will rely heavily on teamwork consider doing 1-2 classes with students on teamwork (see Sample Teamwork and Professional Communications Lessons: 11-14)


  • If you don’t have time to do multiple “training” calls consider doing a pre-recorded intro and schedule 30-minute Q & A calls.
  • Students make not “like” their groups, be thoughtful about how to balance friendships and teaching students valuable lessons about teams.

Supporting materials that can help

a document

Design Challenge Advisor Training Agenda

Create an advisor call agenda, using this sample

a document

Feedback Tips

Share these tips with your advisors on the training call

a document

Proposal/Presentation Rubric

Edit and customize this presentation rubric for your social entrepreneurship project presentations

a document

Student Proposal/Presentation Template

Adapt this proposal/presentation template to use with your students

a pdf

Sample Teamwork and Professional Communications Lesson

Use this sample lesson to help students prepare for their presentations

An airplane

Connect your students with real world learning experiences.

Teach the Design Challenge course

Host guest speaker(s) virtually or in-person

Arrange your classroom for Design Challenege Advisor days

Ahead of each class ensure all A/V you need will work

Ensure students have access to computers to do research and complete proposals in class when needed

Greet partners 15-30 minutes ahead of the classes they will join

Ensure administrators and front office staff are aware that there will be visitors and there are directions on what to do when they arrive

Host the demonstration of learning or competition

Take photos and video when possible to document the process, key learnings and to share with partners


  • Adjust lessons and timing based on your student needs.
  • Make sure you print out copies of rubrics and any student work that advisors will review and discuss with them.
  • If you plan to host a competition that takes separate planning. Review the Student Competition destination for planning, templates and tips.

A thought bubble
Following Up

How will you follow up with everyone after the experience?

Send a thank you email to the partners on behalf of yourself and the class. Share partner survey (see Partner Survey Questions)

Have students write personal thank you notes sharing how they benefited from the experience

Reach out to anyone else who helped in arranging the partners to update them on the event and thank them for their assistance


  • Close the email with a reference to the future - leaving the door open to more interactions
  • Have students write personal thank you notes sharing how they benefited from the experience
  • Administer partner survey online (using Google Forms, SurveyMonkey or a similar tool) and include with your follow up thank you email
  • Have students write about their experiences and share with the local community or arrange interviews with the local newspaper and media outlets

Supporting materials that can help

a document

Sample Survey Questions

Use these sample questions in a survey to partners

Pictures on  the wall

Did you achieve your goals?

Reflect with students on the overall experience: the class, the partners and their learning (see Student Reflection)

Reflect on your own experience with the course, planning and partners (see Teacher Reflection)

Create a blog post or write up about the experience to share with your district


  • Share your story. It will help spread good ideas and gain support from others. You can blog about it, share it at a faculty meeting, send out a press release, etc.

Supporting materials that can help

a document

Student Reflection

Edit and customize this sample reflection sheet to use with students after the unit

a document

Teacher Reflection

Edit and customize this sample reflection sheet once you’ve completed this unit

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 2

Find a Partner

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 3


Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 4


Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 5

Following Up

Guide Marker Created with Sketch. 6


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