Internship – Digital Promise


Prepare students for the world of work through on-the-job learning.

Internships are an enrichment opportunity for students to learn about the world of work first hand. Students learn about how classroom learning is complemented by their ability to communicate, collaborate, think critically and be productive.

Student arriving at internship

A tablet with a map marker on the screen
How does this fit with my class?

Product Certifications Research-Based Product Promise

Students gain exposure to educational pathways, potential careers, and the ability to identify what’s important to them in a work environment and company culture.


  • Develop core skills such as teamwork, communications and critical thinking
  • Expose the student to the work environment and expectations
  • Enhance and/or expand the students’ content knowledge or application
  • Expose the student to professional role models or mentors
Activity Location
  • A school building In school
  • Students looking at a presentation on a screen Virtual
  • A bus Out of school
Prep Time
  • A clock showing 15 minutes Low
  • A clock showing 30 minutes Medium
  • A clock showing an hour High
  • A lesson book Lesson
  • A calendar with a gold star on it Event
  • A gear being orbited by three dots Program

Full Battery
What will my students gain?

Communication & Collaboration

  • Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts
  • Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions
  • Use communication for a range of purposes (e.g. to inform, instruct, motivate and persuade)
  • Communicate effectively in diverse environments

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

  • Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems
  • Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes

Life & Career Skills

  • Present oneself professionally and with proper etiquette
  • Prioritizes, plans and manages work to achieve the intended result
  • Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual

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