Student Competition – Digital Promise

Student Competition

Celebrate learning and achievement by igniting your students’ competitive spirits.

Competition motivates us all to perform our best, especially if there’s a reward. For students, competition offers an opportunity to take calculated risks and use real world skills like problem solving, innovative thinking, and collaboration.

Judges in front of a giant tropy

A tablet with a map marker on the screen
How does this fit with my class?

Student competition skills are important compliments to classroom learning with a focus on academic performance. Plus, integrating real world professionals as judges provides students with invaluable feedback and experiences.


  • Collaborate with peers
  • Practice public speaking and answer questions effectively
  • Present information and materials to meet a standard or rubric
  • Develop verbal and nonverbal communication skills
  • Learn how to balance different viewpoints
  • Understand and utilize feedback
  • Develop self-confidence and motivation
  • Learn to succeed through failure and value positive competition
Activity Location
  • A school building In school
  • Students looking at a presentation on a screen Virtual
  • A bus Out of school
Prep Time
  • A clock showing 15 minutes Low
  • A clock showing 30 minutes Medium
  • A clock showing an hour High
  • A lesson book Lesson
  • A calendar with a gold star on it Event
  • A gear being orbited by three dots Program

Full Battery
What will my students gain?

From the Partnership for 21st Century Learning Framework:

Creativity & Innovation

  • Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work and understand the real world limits to adopting new ideas
  • View failure as an opportunity to learn; understand that creativity and innovation is a long-term, cyclical process of small successes and frequent mistakes

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

  • Effectively solve different kinds of non-familiar problems in both conventional and innovative ways
  • Effectively identify and ask significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions
  • Effectively interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis
  • Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes

Communication & Collaboration

  • Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts
  • Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions
  • Use communication for a range of purposes (e.g. to inform, instruct, motivate and persuade)

Information, Media, and Technology Skills

  • Evaluate information critically and competently
  • Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand
  • Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information

Life & Career Skills

  • Deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism
  • Set goals with tangible and intangible success criteria
  • Utilize time and manage workload efficiently

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