How Four Community College Faculty Are Preparing Students for a Global Workforce – Digital Promise

How Four Community College Faculty Are Preparing Students for a Global Workforce

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February 8, 2024 | By

How are career and technical education (CTE) educators and community college faculty preparing students to enter a global workforce? Digital Promise’s Heather Singmaster recently chatted with a few community college faculty members who completed a training around how to integrate global competence into their courses using Digital Promise’s tools and modules. They are now intentionally creating learning environments that expose students to topics of global significance and help equip them with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to compete and connect on an international scale.

These four faculty members–who teach at community colleges in Hawaii, Illinois, and Nevada–teach topics ranging from hospitality and tourism to cybersecurity, but they all share a common goal: to create more inclusive, engaging learning experiences for their students.

Read Heather’s article for the Associate for Technical and Career Education (ACTE) for these faculty members’ perspectives on the need for global skills in today’s workplace, the intersection between global competence and career and technical education, and ways in which other community college educators can incorporate global concepts into their curriculum.

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