: Janice Poda, Learning Forward, and Karen Cator, Digital Promise
Essential Question: How might we leverage micro-credentials to recognize and identify the relevant competencies necessary for aspiring teachers?
This session addressed the potential role for micro-credentials in the pre-service credentialing process. The idea that teacher candidates “with micro-credentials are getting hired faster and first” inspired this session’s participants and the direction in which they took their challenge.
A long list of guiding questions evolved from the group discussion, many addressing skills development, whether a statewide system should recognize micro-credentials versus systems of micro-credentials that are available to support teachers, the role and availability of technology to support micro-credentials, challenges faced by HR personnel, particularly those in the hiring process, and the revenue model for moving forward.
To answer these questions, session participants recommended exploring existing frameworks, such as edTPA, TNTP, competency-based learning, personalization and other learner-centered approaches, as well as alternative certification programs such as Troops to Teachers.
The group then defined their challenge statement: Integrate micro-credentials as a competency-based method for recognizing what aspiring educators can do and need to do.
Participants identified three major avenues to pursue in order to effectively incorporate micro-credentials into credentialing – assessment, content, and Human Resources/advocacy. In pursuit of these, the group ultimately proposed three solutions that, when taken together, would advance this work. They include: