“We were looking around the school for problems we could create a solution to and out of nowhere 8th grade student Tyson turned and said, ‘Have you ever noticed that lockers haven’t changed in over 50 years?’ We all kind of looked at each other and realized that Tyson might be onto something,” Dan says. “We went back to the media center and Tyson did a bit of research to find ways that the lockers of yesterday don’t actually fit the needs of students today.”
Tyson found some support and guidance from the Chicago Institute of Technology and set off to redesign a locker prototype that would be more practical for students in 2019. Using the Sprout computer, Tyson taught himself how to use Tinkercad. He took student feedback and spent hours incorporating it all into his design.
With the help of Dan Spada and Mike Sanchez, a Technology Education Teacher at Suffield High School, Tyson had the opportunity to see his vision come to life. “I’m very interested in pursuing a career in architectural design and this entire experience exposed me to the process that I will be using in the future,” Tyson says. Tyson not only has a digital 3D model of his revised locker, but he also has a small physical prototype that he would like to someday pitch to companies.
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