The edtech pilot size dictates the types and amount of data needed for participants. Consider gathering information from educators, leaders, students, and the product itself to best understand user experiences and learning outcomes.
Review academic calendars and testing schedules, so students and teachers are not overburdened by the data collection process.
Tips for Success!
Gather feedback from everyone using the tool, especially students and teachers.
The Academic Self-Efficacy Subscale from Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C), first published by Muris in 2001, measures students’ general academic, social, and emotional self-efficacy.
The Computer Attitude Questionnaire (CAQ) measures attitudes toward and use of technology in addition to technology literacy for middle school students (grades 6 through 8) based on Likert-scale self-reporting.
A protocol to conduct in-person focus groups to measure changes in teacher attitudes and skills, and district context and readiness for change, over the course of an edtech product pilot.
Review usage trends, aggregate data and factors that may be influencing edtech use to fidelity in the US with Lea(R)n’s 2017 EdTech Usage Trends Report.
This guide helps teachers identify and formalize their classroom need by walking them through a process to create their inquiry question and identify the metrics they will use to assess if the product solved their specific problem.
Informed by more than 100 product evaluations across diverse education environments, IMPACT Analysis is used to rapidly analyze individual edtech product utilization, pricing and student achievement data in seconds to inform instructional, operational and budget decisions.
The Youth Motivation, Engagement, and Beliefs Survey (YMEBS) measures program fit for the student population, identifies how much students benefited from participation, and assesses social and emotional development.