Identify Need – Digital Promise

Identify Need

Papers and Pencils
District leaders must first articulate the problem they hope to solve using edtech.

The more specific this problem is, the easier it is to determine whether a product successfully meets that need.

Tips for Success!

A list of tips
  • Keep student needs at the center when selecting ed-tech
  • Conduct a formal needs assessment
  • Make the need clear to everyone involved

Tools & Resources

For definitions of our taxonomies, see our About section.

Friday Institute School Technology Needs Assessment 
From Friday Institute

This 25-minute survey should be completed by teachers to help school- or district-level decision makers better understand needs for technology.

NCES Needs Assessment 

The National Center for Education Statistics Needs Assessment is a step-by-step process to help you identify gaps between your school’s current state and your vision for implementing new technology.

Priority-Vision-Goal Tool

This brief worksheet will help you set priorities and goals for your upcoming edtech pilot study.

Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) 
From Florida Center for Instructional Technology

The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) provides a framework for describing and targeting the use of technology to enhance learning.

Better Edtech Infographic

Summary of Digital Promise’s 2015 report on the edtech marketplace.

DAT, DIT, DET Resources 
From Vancouver Public Schools

As part of the district Design II Chapter 2 strategic plan, multiple district teams have worked together to develop new processes for evaluating and integrating digital content and services. This memo seeks to explain these new structures and processes and what you need to do if you are considering the purchase of most types of digital content and services. The goal of these new systems is to ensure that new digital content and services will work as intended for users.

Examples of Team Goals 
From LearnLaunch

This document considers examples of team goals as the discussion and identification of the team goal (or problem of practice) will drive the discovery and selection of products.

Improving Edtech Purchasing

This report by Digital Promise contains recommendations for schools to improve their processes to find and purchase edtech products.

Vancouver Public Schools Digital Resource Review Process 
From Vancouver Public Schools

This resource, developed by Vancouver Public Schools, maps out the district’s digital resource request process.

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