Train & Implement – Digital Promise

Train & Implement

teachers sitting around a table
Before the pilot begins, allow time to establish student accounts, orient educators to the tool’s features, and provide information about troubleshooting and support services.

To encourage consistent implementation, identify a pilot coordinator to conduct weekly or bi-weekly check-ins with educators to gather data and encourage use.

Tips for Success!

A list of tips
  • Ensure educators have a specific point of contact for accessing technical and instructional support
  • Offer guidance on how much time students need to engage with a tool in order to see impact

Tools & Resources

For definitions of our taxonomies, see our About section.

Classroom Implementation Guidance 
From Highline Public Schools

This resource, developed in partnership with Highline Public Schools, provides a thoughtful implementation discussion framework to support your team when implementing a new edtech in a classroom, school, or district.

Lea(R)n Research-based Rubric for Grading Ed Tech 
From Lea(R)n

LearnPlatform’s peer-reviewed edtech grading rubric provides a research-backed structure for educator feedback and insights on instructional technologies with context.

Teacher Weekly Implementation Checks

A four-question survey for teachers to assess implementation during a pilot study.

Classroom Implementation Guidance 
From Highline Public Schools

This resource, developed in partnership with Highline Public Schools, provides a thoughtful implementation discussion framework to support your team when implementing a new edtech in a classroom, school, or district.

Fulton Job Description 
From Fulton

A school district job description used to advertise for an edtech pilot coordinator position.

LearnPlatform Resource Center 
From Lea(R)n

Library of free resources with which educators and adinistrators can support momentum to find, buy, manage and measure educational technology easily and effectively. Resources include FAQs, videos, etc.

Teachers as Researchers: The Power of Mindset

Tips from a teacher about how to conduct action research in your classroom.

Three Ways to Help Teachers Use Research

Helpful suggestions to create a culture of research and data use at your school.

Vista TOSA Job Description 
From Vista

An example list of requirements for a Pilot Program Manager and Facilitator role in Vista Unified School District.

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