Humanity’s Impact – Digital Promise

Humanity’s Impact

Humanity’s Impact

Studio Birthplace, Amsterdam, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore

MY World 360° September 2020 Playlist selection

A mini-series and AR app that visualizes the incredible data related to our abuse of the planet, putting a picture to the numbers.

Producers: Sil van der Woerd, Jorik Dozy, Sean Lin, Studio Birthplace, Amsterdam, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore

Sustainable Development Goals addressed: Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all; Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; Goal 13: Climate Action – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; Goal 15: Life on Land – Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Discussion Prompts

  • What do you think are humanity’s most significant impacts on the environment?
  • What do you think can be done to reduce the use of plastics and to promote plastic recycling?
  • Do you know where the single use plastics that you use on a daily basis end up? How could you find out?

See a Trailer for Humanity’s Impact on Facebook:

Or, watch Humanity’s Impact on Vimeo.

There are several ways to experience 360° video, including through a VR headset, a VR viewer connected to a mobile device, a mobile device on its own, or through a web-based video player, as demonstrated above. See for more about 360° video and “like” the 360 Challenge Facebook page for more youth-produced 360 media.

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