Lion Dance – Digital Promise

Lion Dance

Lion Dance
Thurgood Marshall High School, San Francisco, California

Recipient of the One Moment Award in the 360 Filmmakers Challenge Spring 2016

At Thurgood Marshall High School, students wanted to demonstrate the diversity of their community. This video puts you at the center of the action as students perform the Lion Dance, a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture and other Asian countries in which performers mimic a lion’s movements in a lion costume to bring good luck and fortune.

Discussion Prompts

  • What did you learn from watching this video?
    If you could ask someone in the video a question, what would you ask?
    Was there a particular part of the video that you found most interesting or surprising?

Watch Lion Dance on Facebook:


Or watch Lion Dance on Vimeo

There are several ways to experience 360° video, including through a VR headset, a VR viewer connected to a mobile device, a mobile device on its own, or through a web-based video player, as demonstrated above. See for more about 360° video and “like” the 360 Filmmakers Challenge Facebook page for more youth-produced 360 media in the months ahead!

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