The Influencer – Digital Promise

The Influencer

The Influencer

Gemeinschaftsschule Bellevue, Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany

MY World 360° September 2018 Playlist selection

A 360° video about social media and society.

Sustainable Development Goals addressed: SDG #3: Good Health and Well-Being, SDG #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG #10: Reduced Inequalities, SDG #12: Responsible Consumption and Production.

Discussion Prompts

  • What role and influence does social media have in your life?
  • What do you think is the significance of the film’s title – The Influencer?

Watch The Influencer on Facebook:


Or, watch The Influencer on Vimeo.

There are several ways to experience 360° video, including through a VR headset, a VR viewer connected to a mobile device, a mobile device on its own, or through a web-based video player, as demonstrated above. See for more about 360° video and “like” the 360 Filmmakers Challenge Facebook page for more youth-produced 360 media.

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