The Tour – Digital Promise

The Tour

The Tour

Utica Center for Science and Industry in Sterling Heights, Michigan

Winner of the Make Waves Award for inspiring action for positive change, and the Hack 360 Award for an ingenious solution to achieve a special effect – Fall 2017

From the Filmmakers: “Our 360 video is about the importance of creativity in educational development, and how it’s unfortunate that it seems to be neglected in modern schooling. CSI is constantly trying to push the boundaries and bring creativity back into education, and so the very principles demonstrated at CSI are what inspired us to make this video. We hope that it will bring more attention to abstract ways of learning things, rather than black-and-white, yes-or-no questions dictating our success. Our goal was to inspire action for a positive change by making people aware of these issues and inspiring a change in the way high stakes testing is used.”

Discussion Prompts

  • What role do you think creativity should play in education?
  • Was there a particular part of the video that you found most interesting or surprising?

Watch The Tour in 360° on Facebook:


Or watch The Tour in 360° on Vimeo.

There are several ways to experience 360° video, including through a VR headset, a VR viewer connected to a mobile device, a mobile device on its own, or through a web-based video player, as demonstrated above. See for more about 360° video and “like” the 360 Filmmakers Challenge Facebook page for more youth-produced 360 media.

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