Create a Viewing Guide and Resources – Digital Promise

Create a Viewing Guide and Resources

In order to help viewers understand and reflect on the story you created, create a viewing guide and other resources to accompany your media.

For example, create a 1-2 page flyer and/or poster with:

  • The title of your story or design project.
  • An image (such as a screenshot) of a particularly compelling part of your project
  • A brief Artist / Design Statement (100 words or less). Consider including information such as why you chose the topic of your video, what impact you want it to have, and what you learned from the experience.
  • Discussion questions. What interesting discussions might be sparked by your media?  Consider providing audiences with some discussion prompts to facilitate conversation. For example: What did you learn about the topic from viewing this media? If you could ask someone or something that was featured in the project a question, what would you ask?  Was there a particular part that you found most interesting?
  • Credits. Include a list of all the creators who contributed to the project and their roles and anyone else who contributed to its creation.  This could also include your school or organization, and also acknowledgements and thanks to others who might have volunteered their time, energy, or support for the production team.
  • Artist photo. A group photo or individual headshots of the media makers.

If you took any footage of the production itself with a traditional video camera, consider creating a “making of” (behind-the-scenes) video or blog post of your process or about your topic. Some immersive media formats will be very new kinds of experiences for people, and sometimes a teaser video or story can be a great way to reach a larger group of viewers who could potentially be motivated to view your media.

Check out this site as an example of traditional video paired with 360° video: The Wait: Inside the Lives of Asylum-Seekers in Germany.

Did you learn new technology and production skills in the process of making your media? Pay it forward by sharing your new expertise in the form of a tutorial for other emerging media makers. This might take a written form, or could even be captured as a screencast of a particularly cool tip or trick you have for shooting or editing an immersive media project. Creating a how-to guide for others is also a good way to reinforce the skills you just learned. Tools like Screencast-O-Matic are great for creating a quick screen recording and sharing it out online.

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