Production – Digital Promise


This section walks through the production process of an AR project and incorporates the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to create an AR experience for social impact.  The same steps and approaches can be applied on any AR concept.

Before production, be sure to review the idea development and pre-production sections of this toolkit. We will use Spark AR Studio, a free tool by Facebook.  You can download Spark AR here.

Interface introduction
Using Templates
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Example 1: COVID-19 Awareness

This first example outlines how the AR experience focusing on COVID-19 awareness was created. In the idea development stage you have already seen the ideation templates that were designed around this idea. They have been included again to give you a comprehensive look at developing an AR project.

Practical Guide

We will use the phases in the Idea development section to formulate our concept (Inspiration, Incubation, Illumination and Implementation).

Inspiration (problem statement):

We would like to raise awareness about the 17 SDGs.

Incubation (Why AR?):

Augmented Reality will work well on this project as we get to add a digital layer that gives people more information on the goals. We can even add an interactive layer to control different situations or outcomes. From the 17 SDGs, we chose to focus on Number 3: Good Health and Well-Being. This project was inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Illumination (Research and Development on the subject & prototyping):

Some of the precautionary measures from the World Health Organization to reduce the spread are wearing a mask in public and social distancing. The virus also spreads by touching the mouth, eyes, and nose with contaminated hands/surfaces.

Implementation (manifesting your idea into reality):

We will create a superimposition based, marker-less AR experience that will utilize filters. When the user has their mouth closed, they will have a mask on their face. Once they open their mouths, the mask will disappear and we will visualize ‘COVID-19 avatars’ floating around and a warning to keep their masks on always while outside.

Access the creation process here.

Example 2: Repurposing Street Signs

This second example outlines how an AR experience about repurposing street signs was created. This example references the ideation templates from the  idea development section. They have been included again to give you a comprehensive look at developing an AR project.

Practical Guide

We will use the phases from the idea development section to formulate our concept (Inspiration, Incubation, Illumination, and Implementation).

Inspiration (problem statement):

We would like to raise awareness on the SDGs.

Incubation (Why AR?):

Augmented Reality will fit for the project as we will overlay a digital layer on common signs found around the world to pass the message. For this specific project, we will use the “stop” sign to merge the real world and augmented world to display facts on global warming. From the 17 SDGs, we chose to focus on Number 13: Climate Action, Number 14: Life below Water and Number 15: Life on Land.

Illumination (Research and Development on the subject & prototyping):

As a result of global warming, sea level rise threatens habitats such as the arctic and Pacific Islands. We can visualize this by overlaying cards with the different information.

Implementation (manifesting your idea into reality):

We will create a marker-based AR experience that will use the road signs to launch the experiences. You can use any image that you like. When the user projects their back camera on a stop sign, the experience will be launched and show the stop sign ‘flooding’ then display the cards with the information. Tapping on the screen will restart the experience again.

Access the creation process here.


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