Research-Based Product Promise – Digital Promise

Research-Based Product Promise

Illustration of people interacting with technology
The Research-Based Product Promise is a campaign to bring high-quality education technology (edtech) products to all learners. Our mission is to empower voices across the field to demand that edtech products use research to design learning content that attends to the needs of the full diversity of learners.

Join the movement! By signing the Research-Based Product Promise, you will signal to the field that you and/or your organization are committed to developing, purchasing, and/or using edtech products that incorporate research in their design and development. Your signature on this promise demonstrates your and/or your team’s call for edtech products that:

1. Regularly consult Learning Sciences Research1

We demand edtech products conduct regularly scheduled literature scans and, when appropriate, landscape analyses to remain well-informed and up-to-date on the most recent Learning Sciences Research. We demand edtech products incorporate new, relevant strategies discovered through research to support each learner.

2. Ground product design and development in rigorous research

We demand edtech products that are grounded in rigorous Learning Sciences Research. We demand edtech products use theoretical frameworks to guide and drive design and development to ensure instructional decisions are based on research findings about how students learn.

3. Provide transparency about the research driving product design

We demand edtech products share the Learning Sciences Research findings that guide product design and development in formats that are easily accessible. We commit to championing the notion that education leaders, educators, and families should have access to the research that guides product design and development.

4. Design at the margins to support diverse learners

We demand edtech products focus on research that emphasizes the voices and experiences of learners who have been marginalized to identify and incorporate features into products that support the full diversity of learners.

I am a Developer

I am an Educator, Education Leader or Investor

I am a Parent


1. Learning Sciences Research is an interdisciplinary, research-based field that studies how people learn, often to identify strategies to better support learners.

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