You can host any kind of in-person, virtual, or hybrid event that best suits the organizers and participants in your event. Whatever format you choose, consider how you want people to feel at your event. Is your goal to inspire, entertain, and/or educate your audience? What do you want them to do after attending your event?
As you consider the goals of your event, also determine who your core audience is. It might be students, staff, and families in your school community. It might also include members of the wider community, such as people in elected positions, people from an industry related to students’ projects, and people from faith communities. Identify the people who will be the most interested in your event and make sure they can access your event or activation.
The most engaging events include moments of connection and interaction between attendees. Interaction can take place between the presenters and attendees, as well as between attendees. For example, if you host a virtual student showcase, consider including a live Q&A where audience members can interact with the presenters. If your event is hosted on a platform like Zoom, you can also include polls to interact with audience members throughout the event. There are many ways to create moments of interaction and connection, so we encourage you to think creatively about what will work best for your event.
Below are guides and templates to offer more support. These templates are downloadable so that you can edit and/or translate them according to your event needs:
Use the templates in the design kit to create social media and other graphics to reach your community.