Career Fair
Planning Guide Select where you are in your real world learning journey.
Getting Started
Set your goals and understand your commitment.
Finding Partners
Who from the real world will interact with your students?
What do you need to be ready to launch?
Connect your students with real world learning experiences.
Following Up
How will you follow up with everyone after the experience?
Did you achieve your goals?
Getting Started
Understand goals and commitments
Write down your vision and identify student learning goals for the event. Use the RWL Activity Planning Worksheet
Contact your administration to schedule the event and identify the location in your school (e.g. gym, classrooms, auditorium space)
Enlist a team with diverse networks to support you before, during and after the fair. Your list may include: colleagues, parents, guidance counselors, student clubs/organization leaders and/or volunteer organizations
Create an easily shareable project plan for the event with tasks due dates and assigned owners (see Project Plan Template)
Train your team on your systems-spreadsheets, project plans and tools so they know how to access and share information
- When selecting an event date consider holidays, student testing and other district calendar dates
- You can’t do it all, so make sure to be clear with your team the kinds of support you will need and assign owners on your project plan
Supporting materials that can help

RWL Activity Planning Worksheet
A blank worksheet designed to plan the activity

Customize this template with tasks from the below checklist and other items
Finding Partners
Who from the real world will interact with your students?
Use your team to conduct outreach to personal contacts, organizations and colleges to identify potential partners/presenters
Create a shared spreadsheet of all potential partners with their industry names and types of jobs/careers
Poll the students and your colleagues, using an online survey tool to identify the types of careers and opportunities that interest them. NOTE: Your survey should be 5 questions maximum and should include check-boxes or drop-downs
Based on student interest survey results, identify 15-20 potential partners to invite to present at Career Fair (see Sample Invitation Email)
Confirm your partners/presenters and send information about your school and any specifications for tables (see Confirmation Email)
Collect bios for partner organization representatives and short organization descriptions for Career Fair program. Save in your spreadsheet
Invite local media to promote this activity and your school
- You may want to draft common language for your team members to use when conducting outreach to partner/presenters.
- Use Google surveys and facebook pages to poll students
- Provide your contact information on the confirmation emails to partners/presenters in case they have any questions ahead of the event
Supporting materials that can help

Use this template to customize invitations to organizations and businesses to participate in your career fair

Customize this template to confirm organizations and businesses to participate in your career fair
What do you need to be ready to launch?
Confirm event space details and set-up requirements (e.g. number of tables, set up)
Identify needs for A/V and ensure there are enough outlets in the space
Create a budget
Confirm break room for partners/presenters
Coordinate and confirm catering for the day of the event
Identify a colleague or hire a professional photographer to capture photos from the event
Promote the event on social media and school website to build buzz and excitement starting two weeks before the event. Include information about partners/presenters to peak interest
Prepare students 1-2 weeks ahead of the Career Fair with lessons on Career Exploration. Lessons 1-3 (1-2 class periods) get students thinking about their career interests (see Sample Lesson Plans for Career Exploration)
The week of the event help students prepare for the fair with networking, 30-second pitch prep and professional communications-lessons 6,10 and 11 (see Sample Lesson Plans for Career Exploration)
Create a plan for when and how students will attend the Career Fair
Create the “run of show” document with minute-by-minute plans, contact information for partners and team members
Meet with Career Fair planning and day-of team to review the “run of show” document and discuss any open questions
Create signage for the event
Create a program book with a list of partners, descriptions of their organizations and the name of the representative(s)
Print signage (plan to print at least 2-3 large signs)
Order small plaques or awards for partners
Print enough program books for students, partners and guests
Identify a student ambassador to thank the partners and give them awards at the end of the day
Ensure students know the dress code, timeline, and logistics of the event. For homework have students review the list of organizations and research 3-5 that interest them. Have student develop goals for the event
- The exact steps and time commitment for preparation will vary based on the style of the event and what students are presenting
Supporting materials that can help

Sample Lesson Plans for Career Exploration
Use one or more of these sample lessons from Work Solutions to prepare students think about...
Connect your students with real world learning experiences.
Meet with the Career Fair planning team early the day-of to review positions
Greet partners at the front door and have students escort them to event to set up
Walk around the room as partners are setting up to provide any assistance or answer any questions
Provide a 20-minute formal greeting to all presenters in the breakroom. Invite your principal to thank them for their participation and provide the schedule for the day
Take pictures and videos to document the event
Ask a student volunteer to present partners with their awards for participation and thank them
Express your gratitude to your Career Fair team and acknowledge them at the event in front of partners and your administration
- Have tape, glue, tacks and pins on hand
- Ensure you have someone from your tech team available when partners set up
- Create a worksheet for students to track the partners they have spoken to and would like to follow up with
- Make sure your administration and any district leaders are present for the partner appreciation at the end of the day
Following Up
How will you follow up with everyone after the experience?
Send thank you notes and emails to your Career Fair team
Reconcile any budget spending
Write personal thank you notes to the partners with photos from the event
Review professional email writing with students and discuss the importance of follow up
Have students write a follow-up and thank email to at least one person they connected with at the event
Debrief the Career Fair in class, ask students:
- If they learned anything new from the experience? What did they learn?
- Who did they connect with?
- Have their career interests shifted? Why or why not?
Provide a feedback survey to student, staff and partners (see Sample Survey Questions)
- Have students write about their experiences and share with the local community or arrange interviews with the local newspaper and media outlets
Supporting materials that can help

You can use these sample questions in a survey to partners, students and school team members
Did you achieve your goals?
Reflect on the event with your students (see Student Reflection)
Hold a debrief meeting with the Career Fair team to discuss the event and lessons learned. Write these down to share with your administration
Reflect on the event yourself (see Teacher Reflection)
Create a blog post or write up about the activity to share with your district
- Share your story. It will help spread good ideas and gain support from others. You can blog about it, share it at a faculty meeting, send out a press release, etc.
Supporting materials that can help

A sample reflection sheet to use after an event

A sample reflection sheet to use after an event