One of the convening’s highlights was the site visits, which provided attendees with real-world examples of how schools in Lindsay Unified School District (LUSD), a long-time member of the League of Innovative Schools, are addressing digital equity challenges head-on by creating an ecosystem that ensures access to connectivity and opportunity, fostering a sense of belonging for all students.
During these visits, district leaders observed how LUSD’s schools create inclusive digital learning environments that actively engage all students, regardless of their backgrounds. For example, we saw schools using technology to facilitate personalized learning pathways, enabling students to progress at their own pace. This emphasis on digital equity was evident in both the infrastructure and the instructional practices designed to meet the diverse needs of students.
Reflections of the site visits reaffirmed that it’s not just about providing devices—it’s about ensuring that technology is used meaningfully to close opportunity gaps and empower students to succeed in the digital age.
At the heart of our post-site visit discussions was Digital Promise’s K-12 Digital Equity Framework, a set of principles and guidelines designed to ensure that all students have equitable access to digital learning opportunities. The framework provides a blueprint for districts seeking to address disparities in digital access and usage, making it a valuable resource for educational leaders.
During the convening, we explored three of the framework’s domains, which focus on access, digital competency, and inclusive powerful learning environments. These domains serve as foundational pillars for any district looking to foster digital equity, helping leaders identify gaps and develop strategies to address them.
An impactful takeaway from our site debrief session was the realization that while each district faces unique challenges, the framework is flexible enough to be adapted to different contexts. Whether a district is large or small, urban or rural, the K-12 Digital Equity Framework offers a pathway to meaningful change.
The convening wasn’t just about observations—rather, it brought district leaders together to share insights and collaborate on solutions. Digital Promise facilitators supported small groups of district leaders who discussed what they had seen during the site visits and how they could apply these learnings in their districts.
These conversations were powerful! Leaders focused on bridging theory to practice by identifying actionable steps that support closing equity gaps in their districts. They shared ideas for scaling successful approaches and brainstormed ways to overcome barriers to access. The collaborative energy in the room was palpable, with everyone focused on a common goal: ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed in a digitally connected world.
One of the key strengths of this convening was the emphasis on collective action rooted in intention. While each district has its challenges, the opportunity to learn from one another and co-create solutions made this experience impactful.
As the convening came to a close, several key takeaways emerged. First and foremost, digital equity is not just about access to devices—it’s about how technology is used to create meaningful and inclusive powerful learning experiences. Schools must continue to focus on building the digital skills of both students and educators while ensuring that all students have the support they need to succeed.
District leaders left the convening with a clear purpose and practical steps for moving forward. There was a strong emphasis on the need for ongoing collaboration and knowledge-sharing to drive systems-level change while leveraging the K-12 Digital Equity Framework to guide innovation, the use of emerging technologies, and the ever-changing landscape of education.
The League of Innovative Schools Convening in Lindsay, California, was a powerful reminder of the importance of digital equity in education. Learn how your district can embrace Digital Promise’s Digital Equity Framework and take meaningful steps toward equitable digital learning.
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