Springfield Public Schools – Digital Promise

Springfield Public Schools

Springfield Public Schools

1359 E. St. Louis St.
Springfield, MO, 65802


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Minimizing summer learning loss: The district offers a 44-day summer curriculum, EXPLORE, delivered through project-based learning and a technology-integrated structure with meals and transportation.

Providing WiFi access to students through mobile hotspots: Springfield Public Schools provides mobile hotspots for students who do not have Internet at home to ensure they receive equal opportunity to digital access.

Using research to inform decision-making: The district has employed an educational research firm, BrightBytes, to determine the success of the the district’s IGNiTE initiative, which will introduce 25,000 new devices. Through student, staff, and parent surveys, BrightBytes provides analytics on the effectiveness of modern tools shifting the collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking in classrooms across the district.

John Jungmann


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