Lexington County School District One – Digital Promise

Lexington County School District One

Lexington County School District One

100 Tarrar Springs Road
Lexington, SC 29072


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Providing customized professional learning opportunities for teachers: Through Lexington County’s Digital Educator Professional Learning program, teachers receive personalized coaching sessions and timely descriptive feedback from the district’s Technology Integration Specialists throughout the year to ensure teachers are providing powerful learning experiences that leverage technology.

Offering students flexibility through blended learning instructional models: Students at Lexington have the opportunity to take some of their courses through scheduled online learning labs, which allow students to pursue learning at their own pace in a larger variety of class options.

Prioritizing family and community engagement: The Parent Advisory Council meets monthly during the school year to give district administrators input, feedback, and suggestions on a variety of issues, and the district leverages its website and Facebook page to inspire and connect the larger community.

Gregory D. Little


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