What strategy is most useful in promoting self-efficacy in educators and in learners? – Digital Promise

What strategy is most useful in promoting self-efficacy in educators and in learners?

What strategy is most useful in promoting self-efficacy in educators and in learners?

Asked by
Pam Moran

Dr. Pamela R. Moran has served as the Superintendent of Albemarle County Public Schools since January 2006. Pam has provided 40 years of public education service in Virginia, beginning as a middle school science teacher in Orange County in 1975. From 2009 until 2011 she served on various committees and as an Officer in the Virginia Association of School Superintendents before being elected as the President of VASS in 2012. Pam holds a B.S. in Biology from Furman University and Master’s and Doctoral degrees from the University of Virginia.


Two researchers share approaches to boosting self-efficacy

By Rhonda Bondie and David Dockterman

Provide Quality Criteria to Help Students Reflect on their Performance

Track Progress and Foster a Culture that Rewards Growth and Effort


About the Researcher
Rhonda Bondie and David Dockterman

Rhonda Bondie is a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and faculty chair of the online professional education course,Differentiated Instruction Made Practical. After spending over 20 years teaching in public schools as both a general and special educator, she now researches inclusive teaching practices in schools all over the world. See full bio.

David Dockterman is a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and an expert at putting education research into practice. His work currently focuses on how technology can support personalized learning for individuals and groups. He has designed dozens of award-winning educational computer programs. See full bio

Provide Quality Criteria to Help Students Reflect on their Performance

Track Progress and Foster a Culture that Rewards Growth and Effort

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