Seminole County Public Schools - Defining Learning Objectives with Partners – Digital Promise

Seminole County Public Schools – Defining Learning Objectives with Partners

Seminole County Public Schools – Defining Learning Objectives with Partners

How does your organization define competency-based education?

We are currently developing this definition based on national models including Maine, Great Schools Partnership, iNacol, Marzano, NCSL, and CompetencyWorks. Particularly, we favor the following elements from the CompetencyWorks definition:

  1. Students advance upon mastery.
  2. Competencies include explicit, measurable objectives that empower students.
  3. Assessment is meaningful and positive.
  4. Students receive differentiated support based on their needs.
  5. Outcomes emphasize the application and creation of knowledge along with the development of important skills and dispositions.


Names: Walt Griffin, Anna-Marie Cote, Tim Harper, Derek Jensen
District: Seminole County Public Schools

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