Although competency-based education celebrates the mastery of the individual student, the power of collaboration among students cannot be forgotten. CBE can require a rethinking of the traditional school day and year in order to provide more flexibility and support for students to demonstrate mastery at different paces.
Developing a system that allows students to be supported at multiple levels of mastery is crucial.
Although competency-based education celebrates the mastery of the individual student, the power of collaboration among students cannot be forgotten.
Two-page overview outlining the benefits and elements of cooperative learning.
Provides research base and literature review on effectiveness of student collaboration.
5 key factors in bring out the potential of cooperative learning.
5-minute video on how teachers at Summit Prep use space to offer different learning experiences for students.
Framework and rubric for fostering collaboration amongst teachers and students.
Interactive page at Summit, a charter network in California, outlines how students experience a day at school. Consider how students do and do not have opportunities for collaboration in this model.
Provides practical suggestions on types of collaborative group work.