CBE can require a rethinking of the traditional school day and year in order to provide more flexibility and support for students to demonstrate mastery at different paces.
Although competency-based education celebrates the mastery of the individual student, the power of collaboration among students cannot be forgotten. CBE can require a rethinking of the traditional school day and year in order to provide more flexibility and support for students to demonstrate mastery at different paces.
5-minute video from LUSD asking “what if” traditional 90-minute block scheduling shifted to reflect an early college experience.
Blog post with explanations and artifacts of different scheduling formats.
Article and detailed schedules of 5 schools, featuring schedules designed to increase teacher collaboration, allow for more differentiation, and allow for more small group instruction.
Detailed exploration of innovative scheduling in an alternative competency-based NYC high school.
Profile of “Knight Time” learning block and all it takes to support that work.
Blog post detailing one high school’s approach to scheduling, including a Focused Learning Period for students and daily PLC collaborative time for teachers.
Interactive page at Summit, a charter network in California, outlines how students experience a day at school.