Castleberry Independent School District – Digital Promise

Castleberry Independent School District

Castleberry Independent School District

5228 Ohio Garden Road
Fort Worth, TX 76114


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

District of Innovation: Recognized by the Texas Education Agency for the three unique programs we offer to our students, including Digital Equity 4 All, our strong 21st century libraries that all students have access to, and our K-12 Computer Science Program, which offers college credit to our High School students.

Digital Equity 4 All: A program the district worked on for three years, which includes the construction of three Wi-Fi towers. These towers expand our district’s Internet services to Castleberry students in their homes. One of the long-standing goals of Castleberry ISD has been to provide safe and equal access to technology and all of the affordances it allows.

Castleberry Computer Science Program: Students complete twelve weeks of Computer Science and Coding curriculum, beginning in Kindergarten. We have after-school programs such as The Tech Ninjas and Girls Who Code to reinforce this curriculum and encourage students to further develop their skills outside the standard learning time.

Renee Smith-Faulkner


Other District Leaders: Kelli Kelsoe

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