Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
The CAPS (Center for Advanced Professional Studies) program: The district is redefining what a college and career ready student looks like.Students in this program are fully immersed in a professional environment solving real-world problems and using industry tools. They intern at local companies and receive mentorship from actual professionals in their field of work.
Decentralizing special education and recovery programs: The district has decentralized their special education programs for students with high-end needs and placed these programs back in neighborhood schools. This allows students to attend the same schools as their peers and siblings. In addition, the district has closed a school that was created to address credit recovery and student behavior and welcomed students back into middle and high school settings. Moving students back into schools allows them to participate in clubs and other school events, helping to foster a sense of belonging and inclusion.