Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
Using technology to bridge the learning gap in smaller communities: With the Video Teleconferencing Units (VTC) in the high school, all students in this rural school district have access to every course taught throughout the district, even if it is not offered on-site in their school.
Leveraging partnerships to provide hands-on experiences to students: The district works with the National Parks Service, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, and Wrangell Institute for Science and the Environment to organize and conduct annual events for K-6 students where learners are engaged in place-based lessons grounded in the local environment.
Shifting to a shared leadership model: The district’s District Leadership Team includes administrators and teacher-leaders who together are expanding capacity and grounding their work in classroom practices.