Duquesne City School District – Digital Promise

Duquesne City School District

Duquesne City School District students with tablet

300 Kennedy Ave.
Duquesne, PA 15110


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Four STEAM/maker spaces and media center: With the robust and emerging STEAM program at Duquesne, we are preparing students right now for the real world of the future. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) curricula has taken the educational world by storm with its emphasis on computational thinking, design and multiple approaches to problem solving. At Duquesne, we have trained educators in all fields encompassing STEAM and have made great investments in hardware, including the use of cutting-edge hardware such as 3D printers, laser engravers and virtual reality for hands-on learning and execution. Duquesne’s investment in STEAM continues to expand beyond the existing “Boiler Room,” “Creation Station,” media center and Coding and Robotics Lab facilities at the district; another maker space is currently in the works to provide even more options for our curious students.

PBIS for all students aligned with Restorative Practices: To ensure Duquesne City School District is meeting the individual needs of all students, the district is implementing PBIS/Restorative Practices and Second Step. The PBIS/Restorative Practices and Second Step guidelines provide guidance for all staff regarding creating a consistent SEL foundation on which academics will be built. In addition, the district is continuing its relationship with Auberle and Mon Yough to support students with mental health needs.

Instructional learning platforms: We know that technological skills and digital literacy will be at the forefront of the many career opportunities that lie ahead for our students. That is why we are heavily invested in getting our students acquainted with technology and on the fast track to success. Our instructional learning platforms (i.e. iLit, i-Ready, ARC) will automatically differentiate for each student based on their responses.

Dr. Sue Mariani


Other District Leaders: Dr. Jamie Schmidt

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