Elizabeth Public Schools – Digital Promise

Elizabeth Public Schools

Elizabeth Public Schools

500 North Broad Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07208


Number of Students


Free and Reduced Lunch


Students with Access to High Speed Broadband


K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)

Learn from this district about:

Personalizing instruction through blended learning: The adoption of blended learning environments, such as New Classroom’s Teach-to-One Program, creates new and challenging learning opportunities to help cater instruction to the individual educational and personal needs of every child in Elizabeth Public Schools (EPS).

Putting equity at the center: EPS is committed to leading its children into a culture of digital learning, making sure they have access to high-speed Internet in school and providing for equity in the use of mobile devices to reinforce innovative educational experiences. The goal is for students to interact with content in different modalities, become more productive, apply content through digital collaboration, and develop the critical 21st century skills necessary to succeed in the globally competitive community.

Leveraging web platforms and digital assessments: At EPS, teachers are encouraged to find and adapt open-source educational activities and to develop unique learning opportunities whenever available and appropriate. Teachers also have access to web-based learning platforms, coupled with online assessment systems, to empower teachers to diversify instructional methods throughout the district.

Creating online platforms for communication: The district offers a large suite of online communication and collaboration tools for students, parents, and educators to track grades, assessment data, and attendance.

Olga Hugelmeyer


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