Number of Students
Free and Reduced Lunch
Students with Access to High Speed Broadband
K-12 Students with Access to a Personal School-provided Device (1:1)
Envisioning career pathways for all students: Graham Local Schools’ Career Gears program seeks to meet the needs of students and local industry through a personalized career-planning strategy. Students participating in the program receive school credit while they enroll in a workforce readiness course, earn industry-recognized credentials, and engage in a 12-week internship.
Prioritizing equitable access to STEAM: The middle school’s award-winning, all-female student energy team—led by a female science teacher—opens leadership pathways for students who are traditionally underrepresented in STEAM careers. The young women educate younger students on clean, renewable energy use by leading in-class demonstrations and energy fairs.
Modeling innovation through exploratory learning: The Hatchery is a model elementary school classroom where students drive their own education through inquiry and problem-solving through project-based learning. Student projects have covered many topics, including coding, robotics, and even raising brown trout.